Frekl Game Engine

Build 2D games with minimal effort

Frekl Game Engine

Over the years I developed, refined and published the Frekl Game Engine. It is used in a number of different games like Dabuda, Spellcreator, ZeroDependent and The Road to Ruin. The ZFX Game developer community was a great support there to improve it over the years. Since I switched to other projects some years ago, I needed to stop development of it. Right now, it is no longer safe to be used. It is especially designed for programmers who want to create 2D games in a minimum amount of time with Java.

Some of its functions and features include:

  • Efficient rendering engine with double buffering
  • Camera-perspective tracking
  • Clipping algorithm for large game worlds
  • Animation-Engine
  • Rotation of Sprites and other complex shapes
  • Collision detection and avoidance
  • Basic Enemy-AI Classes
  • System for custom weapons (can be tried in the Spelleditor)
  • Convenience i/o functions for serialization of big amounts of data
  • Offline Highscore and Online Highscore Management