Exploiting data for education

This app is the result of a software project that we implemented during the iPraktikum. The iPraktikum is a wonderful practical course that teaches students how to develop iOS apps using Swift and assigns each student to a real app project for an external company. In teams of 5 people, we designed and developed informing for the company Adesso.
This course was also where I got to know Stefan, my co-founder for QuickBird. So, I guess joining this course was one of the most important decisions of my life. I wouldn’t do what I do now if it weren’t for this project.
About the project
Informing is an iOS-app which keeps you informed about data security issues to raise data awareness. It collects data unobtrusively about you and interprets it in the background. Using various algorithms, it shows you various exploitation use-cases of your data and security settings. Afterwards, Informing gives you tips on how to avoid such scenarios.
By distributing it in schools, this app could teach pupils at a very young age about this critical topic.