App to create software development teams


This was the software project that Dora, my supervisor during my bachelor thesis at the TUM, suggested me to implement. I really liked her idea, and it was my first web development project. So, that was a hell lot of fun (in contrast to the actual writing part of the bachelor thesis :-D).

Tease Screenshot

About the project

In an agile world, you want to create small multi-functional teams for building software products. Each team can independently work on a core feature of the product you want to create. Allocating productive multi-functional teams is hard. Project-managers need to take into account the persons’ hard skills, soft skills and personal relationships in order to create productive teams.

Tease Screenshot

TEASE (TEam Allocation for Software Engineering) aims to support and structure the process of allocating optimal software engineering teams from a pool of persons. TEASE supports project managers in three aspects:

  1. By generating team suggestions automatically
    Based on the individual preferences and properties of each person, TEASE is able to generate team suggestions intelligently. The project manager can use these suggestions as a starting point for allocating the final teams. Teams are suggested based on an algorithm that takes into account the skills and attitude of the available persons.
  2. By offering an interface to easily adapt teams
    A special focus was given on the user interface of TEASE. It allows the project manager to easily adapt the teams using drag & drop similar to the famous user interface of Trello. It was designed with the principles and concepts of Material Design to create an intuitive and responsive user interface.
  3. By providing real-time statistics about team quality
    While refining the teams, TEASE calculates a Team Quality Score for each team. It is based on academic research about what makes up a productive software engineering team. Additionally, the project manager can define his own constraints that each team should satisfy e.g. the minimum number of designers in each team. If the project manager needs more insight than that, other statistics are shown (for example the number of Android programmers in each team).

TEASE was or maybe is still used by the Technical University of Munich to allocate student teams that implement software solutions during the iPraktikum course

Tease Screenshot