I enjoy writing about certain topics …
- … that, I feel, have not been covered enough yet by other authors.
- … where I feel I gained a fairly deep understanding that might add well to existing knowledge pool of the internet.
Next to providing value to the readers, writing also helps tremendously to structure your own thoughts about complex topics (as Paul Graham nicely summarizes in his essay here).
Here are a few of the articles that I’ve written so far:
App Development
I love, love developing software and did so for the biggest part of my life. In the process, I wrote a few articles and built up the mobile development blog for QuickBird (with over 130k readers per year):
What is Functional Reactive Programming (FRP)?
App architecture: Functional MVVM with RxJava & RxSwift
Medical Device Regulatory
After being a programming nerd my whole life, at some point I ended up doing lots of medical software regulatory nerd stuff. While I was afraid of regulatory at first, I soon discovered a strange kind of joy for it:
Simplifying complex information flows into simple processes, removing redundancy, ensuring readability & practicality, …
Building up an efficient Quality Management System for our company felt a bit like writing a good software piece.
It was a pretty complex endeavour, considering how few resources are available on the topic publicly. But, luckily, by now, there are a few companies like Johner or Open Regulatory who share some valuable information on the topics. With QuickBird Medical, we also try to contribute a bit to helping new companies finding their way into medical device regulatory:
Leitfaden für die Entwicklung von Medical Apps: Darauf müssen Hersteller achten
Digitale-Versorgung-Gesetz (DVG): Implikationen für App-Hersteller
Leitfaden zur DiGAV: Digitale-Gesundheitsanwendungen-Verordnung
Leitfaden: Ist Ihre App ein Medizinprodukt?
Ist Ihre App eine DiGA? Definition & Kriterien digitaler Gesundheitsanwendungen
IEC 62304: Software-Lebenszyklus-Prozesse von Medizinprodukten
Various Topics
Achieve stress-free productivity by implementing a working TODO-System in your life
I’m a bit of a maniac when it comes to self-organization and constantly look for ways to organize the chaos of every day life in a more efficient manner. Implementing the “perfect” TODO-System is a small dream of mine. Not there yet, but getting closer every year! Everybody should have some sort of TODO-System that actually works.
Link: Achieve stress-free productivity by implementing a working TODO-System in your life
The Lean Döner: What’s wrong with the Döner industry?
The Lean Startup Methodology is a beautiful framework for founding companies with as few waste (time, energy, resources) as possible. A pity that this framework didn’t take hold in the Kebap/Döner industry yet :-) Here is a half-serious article of mine on how it could be applied.
Link: The Lean Döner: What’s wrong with the Döner industry?
What makes a great developer? A story of an extraordinary blacksmith
After working with many types of developer personalities throughout software projects, I started considering a few fundamental attributes to be the most important in order to become a great programmer. I’ve seen genius developers who got lost over-engineering software systems, wasting tons of time in the process, as well as programmers who under-engineered stuff without thinking things through. I have certainly been guilty of both as well. Nevertheless, I always kept trying hard to find the right balance. Here is a summary of my thoughts on this topic:
Link: What makes a great developer? A story of an extraordinary blacksmith